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StratX IT Solutions Blog

IT Solutions & Strategies

Why Cloud Computing Saves Companies Money

September 06, 2019 by StratX IT

Whether you are a startup company or a massive corporate organization, cloud computing will likely increase your bottom-line year after year. Cloud computing used to be viewed as a “buzz word” that was thrown around as a way to store files online. But now the cloud has expanded into a massive surge of online digital platforms, softwares, data securities, and more.


What Makes Up Cloud Computing?

The Marriam-Webster Dictionary classifies Cloud Computing as, “the practice of storing regularly used computer data on multiple servers that can be accessed through the Internet.” So instead of running your applications and storing your data on local computers and servers, now a business can store information on remote servers that can be accessed from multiple devices using secured access. Cloud computing also serves as a remote host of software integrations and access.


How Does Cloud Computing Save You Money?

Let’s cut to the chase, there are four major reasons why cloud computing saves you money in various ways.

  1. Increase Productivity from Anywhere

When was the last time you told someone, “I will get back to you when I return to the office,” you are able to make money when you are doing business, having access to all your files, all your programs, all your emails from anywhere in the world at any time is vital in today’s fast-paced business. When you have access to your business, you are making money, period. Cloud Computing allows you secure access from any device, anywhere, any time.


  1. Reduce the Need for Equipment Upgrades

Equipment upgrades needed to comply with your business applications can add up and become rather costly fast! Cloud hosted applications often reduce or eliminate the need for frequent hardware upgrades. Also, it often does not matter what operating system you are using, because cloud-based programs are created for both Mac and Windows.


  1. Free and Automatic Software Updates

Never pay for a new software upgrade again. Software updates and overhauls can be costly but avoiding upgrades can be even more devastating. Outdated or unpatched software leaves your system vulnerable to hackers and cyberattacks. Cloud Computing automatically updates, patches and upgrades your software immediately when necessary, keeping your system safe and secure without all the extra fees. Maintaining software and compliance can be tedious and exhausting. With the cloud, everything is done via the internet, nothing manually. Often times these automatic upgrades happen in the background lessening the need for downtime.


  1. Pay On-Demand Service

Only pay for the software you need. When your business requires more access and storage, order it. When your business requires less, cancel what you no longer need. On-demand cloud services allow you to scale your business quickly and only requires you to pay for what you use. Now your business can tailor it’s needs around the specific business models and operations and is adjustable based on the actual use of services and program installs.


Conclusion: Can Cloud Computing Save You Money?

More than ever smart businesses are leveraging cloud-computing services, and it is proving to be giving them the competitive edge they need to be successful. Cloud-based services are allowing businesses of all sizes to make money, save money and leverage resources alike.


Contact Us Today for a Free Analysis of your Business

If you would like help moving your business to the cloud, call (888) 816-3819 for a complimentary cloud services analysis of your current business. We never miss a call, guaranteed!